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Un espai digital profundament creatiu, on el talent multidisciplinari es reuneix i les idees innovadores es comparteixen. Els talents emergents i els consolidats no només es mostren, sinó que també es celebren i es nodreixen de forma activa.

Des de directors d’art, cineastes o dissenyadors de moda… fins a músics, arquitectes i escriptors. Us animem a venir i explorar les idees i reflexions de algunes de les ments creatives més singulars del món.


We are proud and excited to feature a number of installations by some extraordinary artists at Blend 2024, including GucciGhost, Desilence....

Agniia Galdanova is an award-winning documentary film director and writer, known for her immersive storytelling and deep exploration....

Robert D. Thompson Casas is a professor, science communicator, and active researcher in somatics. His academic background encompasses....

Resh Sidhu is Global Director, Arcadia Creative Studio, Snapchat, and Ben Feuerstein is Head of Business Operations and....

Anton Aluja is a Barcelona-based architect and the Director of Innovation at TdB Architects. The firm has developed numerous....

Manon is an award-winning creative engineer and producer. Developing transformative global AI experiences across multiple sectors and industries.....

A good news journalist, writer and cultural curator, Australian-born Liam Aldous is currently based in Ibiza, Spain Working as Monocle Magazine’s Spain....

Miren’s work has taken her worldwide, designing high-end commercials and music videos (Tailor Swift, Jaguar), as well as working on large-budget....

A multi-awarded Creative Director working at the intersection of art, tech and communication, Isabelita has developed her career....

Margarita Sáder is the founder of MSbartrends and Paradiso Barcelona together with her husband Giacomo Giannotti. Venezuelan....

Rahmon is an award-winning entrepreneur from London, recognised by prestigious platforms such as Forbes 30 Under....

Luis Conde, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Fuego Camina Conmigo. He works on communication strategies for....

Chamo San is a drawer, artist and illustrator. Graduated in Fine Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona and the École Nationale Supérieure....

Maisara Baroud is a visual artist who was born in Gaza in 1976. He has worked as a university lecturer at the College of Fine Arts at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza....

ISABELITA VIRTUAL In the realm where creativity, technology, and culture converge, Isabelita Virtual stands as a dynamic force...

LA VERONAL Since its inception in 2005, La Veronal has redefined the boundaries of contemporary dance, positioning itself as a dynamic crucible...

In the vibrant intersection of art, technology, and collective imagination, 11v151131_M06 emerges as a distinctive figure...

ANDRÉS REISINGER Andrés Reisinger asserts that his «Reisinger Studio» eludes conventional classification, allowing his art the freedom...

MALIKA FAVRE Malika Favre continually pushes herself to create visually striking and thought-provoking artwork. Influenced by beauty...

ANNA PESONEN Anna Pesonen defies categorization, consistently pushing the limits of her own imagination. Always guided by innate intuition...

EZEQUIEL PINI Since 2014, Ezequiel Pini, the innovative force behind Six N. Five, has specialized in crafting both digital and real-world experiences...

Renowned for her ability to seamlessly weave elements of technology, nature, and biology into her creations, Italian-born Giusy Amoroso...

Mans O is a multidisciplinary artist focused on rhythmic experimentation through movement and sound. His creative journey...

A versatile artist, proficient in both painting and sculpture. Her artistic approach is characterized by a meticulous process of subtraction...

JAVIER JAEN Barcelona-based Javier Jaén effortlessly transcends the boundary between graphic design and illustration, assuming...

ERNESTO ARTILLO Emerges as an enigmatic figure whose universe unfolds as a kaleidoscope of identities. His innate affinity for ambiguity serves...

The talented creative duo from Chroma Bureau brings a new dimension to fashion, seamlessly blending different disciplines and inspirations...

MESURA Takes pride in avoiding the confines of a “signature” design approach. Purposefully steering clear of a stylistic formula...

CHARLOTTE TAYLOR Defying traditional categorization has been a constant in the oeuvre of Charlotte Taylor, a luminary in the world of...

ELSA YRANZO Has found in food design and art a transformative tool to build a more just, awe-inspiring and sustainable ecosystem...

IGGY LONDON Work revolves around the intricate tapestry of life, community, identity, and the emotional connections that bind us all...

A talented photographer who possesses a unique ability to blend various aspects of her work, creating captivating visual stories that leave...


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